Results for 'Kerber S. J. Walter'

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  1.  33
    On the possibility of scientific evaluation.Kerber S. J. Walter - 1977 - Journal of Value Inquiry 11 (2):136-140.
  2. Aristotle. Rhetoric II: A commentary.Walter P. Krolikowski S. J. - 1992 - Ancient Philosophy 12 (1):209-210.
  3. Philosophisches Wörterbuch.S. J. Walter Brugger - 1959
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    Husserliana. Gesammelte Werke.Band I, Cartesianische Meditationen und Pariser Vortrage.Band II, Die Idee der Phanomenologie.Band III, Ideen zu einer reinen Phanomenologie und Phanomenologischen Philosophie.Allgemeine Einfuhrung in die reine Phanomenologie. [REVIEW]V. J. McGill, Edmund Husserl, S. Strasser, Walter Biemel & Erstes Buch - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (11):362.
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    Restorations in Livy 9.40: A Reassessment.S. J. Northwood - 1996 - Classical Quarterly 46 (01):309-.
    In 1918 Conway and Walters published a restoration of Livy 9.40.3. The passage in question describes how the Samnite army of 310 was composed of two differently equipped corps.
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  6. Anencephalic Infants as Organ Donors and the Brain Death Standard.J. W. Walters & S. Ashwal - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (1):79-87.
  7.  61
    Book Reviews Section 3.James L. Jarrett, Walter P. Krolikowski, Charles R. Estes, Hugh C. Black, Charles S. Benson, John Lipkin, Gerald T. Kowitz, Anthony Scarangello, Langston C. Bannister, David N. Campbell, Christine C. Swarm, Steven I. Miller, David H. Ford, William J. Mathis, Don Kauchak, Paul R. Klohr, George W. Bright, Joyce Ann Rich, Edward F. Dash & Marvin Willerman - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (3):155-168.
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    Teilhard de Chardin's Theology of the Christian in the World. By Robert L. Faricy, S. J. [REVIEW]Walter J. Stohrer - 1969 - Modern Schoolman 47 (1):79-81.
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    Freedom For Friendship: Maritain's Christian Personalist Perspective on Global Democracy and the New World Order.Walter J. Schultz - 2005 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 21:3-31.
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    The Face of Theology 1986.Walter J. Burghardt - 1987 - Philosophy and Theology 2 (1):3-19.
    The following paper is a modified version of Ihe Edward S. O’Donnell, S.J., Distinguished Lecture, delivered at Marquette University in November of 1986, The original title of the lecture was, “The Fare of Theology 1986, or the Painful Process of Doctrinal Development.” Following a historical exegesis of the notion of responsibility for theologians. I offer a summary of dominant factors underlying the issue of doctrinal development in theology, and conclude with some recommendations relating to the present tasks facing theologians.
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    Empowerment Without Sovereignty: Maritain’s Personalist Alternative To Hegemony.Walter J. Schultz - 2008 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 24:114-133.
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    The Tasks of Truth: Essays on Karl Jaspers's Idea of the University.Gregory J. Walters - 1996 - Frankfurt am Main : P. Lang.
  13.  77
    The presence of the word: some prolegomena for cultural and religious history.Walter J. Ong - 1967 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    Terry Lectures. A religious philosopher's exploration of the nature and history of the word argues that the word is initially and always sound, that it cannot be reduced to any other category, and that sound is essentially an event manifesting power and personal presence. His analysis of the development of verbal expression, from oral sources through the transfer to the visual world and to contemporary means of electronic communication, shows that the predicament of the human word is the predicament of (...)
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  14. The Mark of the Social: Discovery or Invention?Kenneth J. Gergen, Margaret Gilbert, H. S. Gordon, Rom Harrè, Tim Ingold, Raymond I. M. Lee, Peter Manicas, Joseph Margolis, Lloyd Sandelands, Paul F. Secord, Jonathan H. Turner & Walter L. Wallace (eds.) - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Behavior, language, development, identity, and science—all of these phenomena are commonly characterized as 'social' in nature. But what does it mean to be 'social'? Is there any intrinsic 'mark' of the social shared by these phenomena? In the first book to shed light on this foundational question, twelve distinguished philosophers and social scientists from several disciplines debate the mark of the social. Their varied answers will be of interest to sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers, psychologists, and anyone interested in the theoretical foundations (...)
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  15.  56
    Ramus, method, and the decay of dialogue.Walter J. Ong - 1958 - New York,: Octagon Books.
    Considered the most important work of Walter Ong's career, Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue is an elegant review of the history of Ramist scholarship ...
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    Living with the Changed World Climate.Walter Orr Roberts & Edward J. Friedman - 1982 - Upa.
    This paper predicts the probability of a profound world climate change that will affect the governance of the world's societies. Carbon dioxide levels in the earth's atmosphere may be doubled in sixty years, warming the earth's climate and altering drastically the patterns of food production, agriculture, forestry and consequently relations between societies.
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    Kafka’s Castle in the West.Walter J. Ong - 1947 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 22 (3):439-460.
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    The Science of Knowing: J. G. Fichte's 1804 Lectures on the Wissenschaftslehre.J. G. Fichte & Walter E. Wright (eds.) - 2005 - State University of New York Press.
    The first English translation of Fichte’s second set of 1804 lectures on the Wissenschaftslehre.
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  19. Reason in Religion: The Foundations of Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion.Walter Jaeschke, J. Michael Stewart & Peter C. Hodgson - 1990 - Religious Studies 28 (2):280-282.
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    Toward Limits on Diversity in Press Freedom.Walter J. Riker - 2014 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 21 (2):1-13.
    Some argue that at least some non-liberal, non-democratic societies deserve fiill and good standing in the international community. These arguments imply that some divergence in understanding the role of the press is also justified and should be tolerated. But what are the limits of diversity here? I begin to find these limits by considering John Rawls's "decent" societies in the context of Amartya Sen's work on famine. Sen claims that a free press plays an important role in famine prevention. After (...)
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  21.  11
    Fighting for life: contest, sexuality, and consciousness.Walter J. Ong - 1981 - Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
    "Fighting for Life is a book about contest, the agonia of the Greek arena, and its roots in male life, especially academia. Ong describes this work as an 'excavation' which was prompted by his previous explorations of such areas as the characteristics of oral and literate cultures, Peter Ramus and his 16th-century intellectual milieu, and the early dominance and more recent decline of classical rhetoric in education. In Fighting for Life, he weaves the results of a year's study of agonistic (...)
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    Avimāraka (Love's Enchanted World)Avimaraka.Walter Harding Maurer, J. L. Masson & D. D. Kosambi - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (4):545.
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    God's Known Universe and Christian Faith Pastoral, Homiletic, and Devotional Reflections.Walter J. Ong - 1991 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 66 (3):241-258.
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    Unconscious word-stem completion priming in a mirror-masking paradigm☆.Walter J. Perrig & Doris Eckstein - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (2):257-277.
    The aim of this study was to investigate unconscious priming by the use of a spatial mirror-masking paradigm. Words and nonwords with no under-length letters are mirrored at their horizontal axis. The results are figures of geometric-like forms that contain letters in their upper part. In the three experiments reported in this study, a priming procedure used such mirrored words and nonwords as primes. Participants were ignorant of the nature of the construction of the stimuli. Perceptual reports of the participants (...)
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  25.  20
    What's a Nurse to Do?Robert J. Walters - 2005 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 7 (1):21-32.
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    Buddhist Learning and Textual Practice in Eighteenth-Century Lankan Monastic Culture (review).Jonathan S. Walters - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):189-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 189-193 [Access article in PDF] Buddhist Learning and Textual Practice in Eighteenth-Century Lankan Monastic Culture. By Anne M. Blackburn. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2001. x + 241 pp. Buddhist Learning is an important study of the emergence of the Siyam Nikaya (monastic order) in eighteenth-century Kandy, Sri Lanka's last Buddhist kingdom (which fell to the British only in 1815). Blackburn focuses on educational institutions (...)
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    Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time a Reader.Walter Jost & Michael J. Hyde (eds.) - 1997 - Yale University Press.
    This thought-provoking book initiates a dialogue among scholars in rhetoric and hermeneutics in many areas of the humanities. Twenty leading thinkers explore the ways these two powerful disciplines inform each other and influence a wide variety of intellectual fields. Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde organize pivotal topics in rhetoric and hermeneutics with originality and coherence, dividing their book into four sections: Locating the Disciplines; Inventions and Applications; Arguments and Narratives; and Civic Discourse and Critical Theory. Contributors to this (...)
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    A Review of J. Angelo Corlett’s Race, Rights, and Justice. [REVIEW]Walter J. Riker - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law 10:1-9.
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    Dual Causality and the Autonomy of Biology.Walter J. Bock - 2017 - Acta Biotheoretica 65 (1):63-79.
    Ernst Mayr’s concept of dual causality in biology with the two forms of causes continues to provide an essential foundation for the philosophy of biology. They are equivalent to functional and evolutionary causes with both required for full biological explanations. The natural sciences can be classified into nomological, historical nomological and historical dual causality, the last including only biology. Because evolutionary causality is unique to biology and must be included for all complete biological explanations, biology is autonomous from the physical (...)
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  30.  82
    Ramus, method, and the decay of dialogue: from the art of discourse to the art of reason.Walter J. Ong - 1983 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Renaissance logician, philosopher, humanist, and teacher, Peter Ramus (1515-72) is best known for his attack on Aristotelian logic, his radical pedagogical theories, and his new interpretation for the canon of rhetoric. His work, published in Latin and translated into many languages, has influenced the study of Renaissance literature, rhetoric, education, logic, and--more recently--media studies. Considered the most important work of Walter Ong's career, Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue is an elegant review of the history of Ramist scholarship (...)
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  31.  47
    Human Rights Without Political Participation?Walter J. Riker - 2014 - Human Rights Review 15 (4):369-390.
    John Rawls claims that “benevolent absolutisms” honor human rights without honoring political participation rights. Critics argue that he is mistaken. One objection appeals to the instrumental value of political participation rights. This objection holds that without political participation rights, individuals cannot secure the content of their rights against encroachment. Given this, individuals without political participation rights cannot be said to have rights at all. Here, I evaluate this instrumental objection. I identify three ways of relating political participation rights to human (...)
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    Evolution, complexity and life history theory.Walter Veit, Samuel J. L. Gascoigne & Roberto Salguero-Gómez - unknown
    In this paper, we revisit the long-standing debate of whether there is a pattern in the evolution of organisms towards greater complexity, and how this hypothesis could be tested using an interdisciplinary lens. We argue that this debate remains alive today due to the lack of a quantitative measure of complexity that is related to the teleonomic (i.e. goal-directed) nature of living systems. Further, we argue that such a biological measure of complexity can indeed be found in the vast literature (...)
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    Teilhard's Mysticism of Knowing. By Thomas M. King. [REVIEW]Walter J. Stohrer - 1983 - Modern Schoolman 60 (3):210-211.
  34.  72
    Roles of allocortex and centrencephalon in intentionality and consciousness.Walter J. Freeman - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):92-93.
    “Decortication” does not distinguish between removing all cerebral cortex, including three-layered allocortex or just six-layered neocortex. Functional decortication, by spreading depression, reversibly suppresses only neocortex, leaving minimal intentionality. Removal of all forebrain structures except a hypothalamic “island” blocks all intentional behaviors, leaving only tropisms. To what extent do Merker's examples retain allocortex, and how might such residues affect his interpretations? (Published Online May 1 2007).
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    Zerwick, Max, S. J., Der Brief an die Galater: Die Welt der Bibel: Kleinkommentare zur Heiligen Schrift 2 – Walter, Eugen, Der zweite Brief an die Korinther. [REVIEW]J. -M. Guirau - 1965 - Augustinianum 5 (2):399-399.
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    “No-Risk” Libertarian Freedom.Walter J. Schultz - 2008 - Philosophia Christi 10 (1):183-199.
    Free-will defenses and theodicies reason that since God’s purpose in creation requires libertarian free will, God cannot prevent every event which occurs as a consequence of the misuse of freedom. However, given libertarian free will and free-will theistic accounts of God’s purpose in creation, I describe (in terms of a dispositions/powers ontology) how it is logically possible for God to achieve his purposes while preventing moral evil. This, then, is a refutation of the free-will defense and related theodicies that should (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 4.E. Paul Torrance, John Walton, Calvin O. Dyer, Virgil S. Ward, Weldon Beckner, Manouchehr Pedram, William M. Alexander, Herman J. Peters, James B. Macdonald, Samuel E. Kellams, Walter L. Hodges, Gary R. Mckenzie, Robert E. Jewett, Doris A. Trojcak, H. Parker Blount, George I. Brown, Lucile Lindberg, James C. Baughman, Patricia H. Dahl, S. Jay Samuels & Christopher J. Lucas - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (4):239-255.
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    An Augustinian–Edwardsian Metaphysics of Possibility for the Barcan Formula.Walter J. Schultz - 2022 - Philosophia Christi 24 (2):191-215.
    The Barcan formula is a theorem of quantified modal logic. Its most straightforward interpretation appears to commit one to “possibilism,” the view that merely possible things exist. Alternative systems of logic revise the formal semantics to preclude the theorem and its consequences. The crux, however, is the modal metaphysics presupposed by the formal semantics. This paper presents an alternative metaphysics of possibility that follows Augustine’s suggestion that God’s plan is only one of a range of alternative histories for a creation. (...)
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    Book Review Section 6. [REVIEW]Michael S. Littleford, William Hare, Dale L. Brubaker, Louise M. Berman, Lawrence M. Knolle, Raymond C. Carleton, James La Point, Edmonia W. Davidson, Joseph Michel, William H. Boyer, Carol Ann Moore, Walter Doyle, Paul Saettler, John P. Driscoll, Lane F. Birkel, Emma C. Johnson, Bernard Cleveland, Patricia J. R. Dahl, J. M. Lucas, Albert Montare & Lennart L. Kopra - 1974 - Educational Studies 5 (4):292-309.
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    "Reason and Evidence in Husserl's Phenomenology," by David Michael Levin. [REVIEW]Walter J. Stohrer - 1972 - Modern Schoolman 49 (2):177-179.
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    Social Typifications and the Elusive Other: The Place of Sociology of Knowledge in Alfred Schutz's Phenomenology. By Michael D. Barber. [REVIEW]Walter J. Stohrer - 1991 - Modern Schoolman 68 (3):273-274.
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    On the Truth of Being: Reflections on Heidegger's Later Philosophy. By Joseph J. Kockelmans. [REVIEW]Walter J. Stohrer - 1987 - Modern Schoolman 64 (2):129-130.
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  43. A conversation on J. Wentzel van huyssteen's gifford lectures.Leslie A. Muray, Kevin Sharpe Leslie van Gelder, Wesley J. Wildman, Nancy R. Howell, Karl E. Peters, Walter B. Gulick & J. van Huyssteen - 2007 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 28 (3):299-432.
  44. Public Stem Cell Banks: Considerations of Justice in Stem Cell Research and Therapy.Ruth R. Faden, Liza Dawson, Alison S. Bateman-House, Dawn Mueller Agnew, Hilary Bok, Dan W. Brock, Aravinda Chakravarti, Xiao-Jiang Gao, Mark Greene, John A. Hansen, Patricia A. King, Stephen J. O'Brien, David H. Sachs, Kathryn E. Schill, Andrew Siegel, Davor Solter, Sonia M. Suter, Catherine M. Verfaillie, LeRoy B. Walters & John D. Gearhart - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (6):13-27.
    If stem cell-based therapies are developed, we will likely confront a difficult problem of justice: for biological reasons alone, the new therapies might benefit only a limited range of patients. In fact, they might benefit primarily white Americans, thereby exacerbating long-standing differences in health and health care.
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    Friar, Scientist and Philosopher.Arthur J. Walter - 1926 - Modern Schoolman 3 (6):85-86.
    ANNOUNCEMENT has just recently come from the University of Pennsylvania that one of the professors in the University is preparing the first English translationof the eminent Franciscan's "opus magniam". The Editor.
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    Paul Ricoeur: His Life and His Work.Gregory J. Walters - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 51 (1):169-170.
    Reagan mixes the genres of biographical essay, memoir, philosophical essay, and interview to provide the reader with a fascinating and highly readable account. The biographical essay narrates Ricoeur’s early life, his experience as a POW during the Second World War, professorships at the Sorbonne, Nanterre, and Chicago, and his “rediscovery” in and return to France after the publication of Time and Narrative. Reagan’s analysis betrays Ricoeur’s comment that “no one is interested in my life... [since] my life is my work... (...)
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    Ibn Khaldūn's Sources for the History of Jenghiz Khān and the TatarsIbn Khaldun's Sources for the History of Jenghiz Khan and the Tatars.Walter J. Fischel - 1956 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 76 (2):91.
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    Imagination and Existence: Heidegger's Retrieval of the Kantian Ethic. By Frank Schalow. [REVIEW]Walter J. Stohrer - 1987 - Modern Schoolman 65 (1):76-77.
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    Essays on Religion. [REVIEW]Gregory J. Walters - 1998 - Review of Metaphysics 52 (2):484-486.
    This translation of eleven essays originally published between 1898–1918 brings together almost everything Simmel explicitly wrote on religion. The editors arrange the essays thematically, rather than chronologically, in five parts: Religion and Modernity ; Religion and Personality ; Religion and Art ; Methods in the Study of Religion ; and Toward a “Broader” Perspective on Religion. Chapter 3, “The Conflict of Modern Culture”, contains only the final part of the original lecture. Chapter 8, “Rembrandt’s Religious Art”, is not included in (...)
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    The incoherence of divine possibility constructivism.Walter J. Schultz - 2019 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 85 (3):347-361.
    Before God created did God have ideas in mind for particular things, kinds of things, properties of things, particular events, and laws of nature? At least since Augustine, theists have proposed differing answers. This paper is about a relatively recent theory, which holds that God constructs them when he creates the universe. James Ross, Brian Leftow, and Hugh McCann are its primary advocates. Since the shared features of their views do not pertain to the so-called “abstract objects” or to the (...)
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